Check out our amazing patient testimonial on Hormone Optimization.



We offer state-of-the-art services in a professional and caring environment. When it comes to top-quality care, we have found that education is often as important as the physical examination.

woman during her weight loss program

Weight Loss Management

Our Innovations in Health (IH) clinic staff is proud to provide our patients with a unique, medically supervised weight management program. Our program is designed to help you feel better, increase energy levels, and achieve weight loss goals fast.

happy couple with hormone optimization

Hormone Optimization

BioTE® Medical Hormone Pellet Therapy for men and women. BioTE® is the right choice for our patients because restoring and balancing one’s hormones makes a significant difference in their quality of life.

happy couple after iv infursion therapy in corpus christi

IV Infusion Therapy

IV Infusions can replenish nutrients and boost your overall wellness to help you feel rejuvenated, rehydrated and revitalized! Our medical professionals can schedule your appointment in our office or in the convenience of your home!

healthy happy women

Ob-Gyn Visits

Making gynecological exams an ongoing component of your health care routine is the single most important thing you can do to guarantee your reproductive, physical and sexual health.

happy couple after iv infursion therapy in corpus christi

Wellness Injections

Wellness injections can deliver essential nutrients to boost your energy, immunity, and overall wellness, helping you feel refreshed and revitalized! Our medical professionals can provide these quick and effective injections in our office or the comfort of your home!


Seek Professional Help

Let today be the start of something new, schedule your first visit with us now.